One day during the pandemic I was at a cabin in the woods on shrooms. Somewhere in the middle of my trip I began to take notice of the increasingly racist climate plaguing society and the resultant unwelcome tinge of racial anxiety that has been seeping into my brain. I began to contemplate my identity as a white guy, and question the theoretical inherent racism assigned to us by progressive culture which we've all been relentlessly indoctrinated to buy into.
Before long, I heard the trees calling me. A conversation with the surrounding Redwoods went something like this:
Trees: Are you a racist by nature?
Shroom brain: I am indeed.
Trees: Is it possible to not be racist?
Shroom brain: Unequivocally not possible.
Crystallization was bestowed upon me from the heavens unveiling the truth - -
Anti-racism is a bullshit concept. Anti-racist is to be anti-human.
The trees continued their inquiry -
Trees: So then what kind of racist are you?
Shroom brain: Well I'm certainly not as stupid or racist as the woke progressives are, and I'm not as retarded as Nazis or white supremacists. But we all seem to be under the same racist umbrella with no proper way to distinguish myself apart…
Kapow!!! A ray of light pierced through the clouds and spoke directly through all of my chakras - "Thou art Responsible… Thou art a Responsible Racist."
And thus the RR seedling had been hatched. I now knew what had to be done to deliver the message that I was destined to unleash upon the world…
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